
Techtra Solutions Pte Ltd is one of the pioneer tech firms for autonomous solutions, services and products. We assist businesses with integration to adopt our automated solutions to simplify and improve their work process.


Technology Solutions allow businesses to grow and stay competitive in the market, hence choosing the right one important. Our solutions are customized to individual business easing unique situation with such implementation.


Services are a big part of every IT company, that is why we focus on providing the best service experience for our clients. Our company caters different services maintenance package for every IT environment.


Sourcing of products and software is definitely the work cycle for every System Integration company. This process lets us know our clients better and at the same time solve the hassle of time and costing for them.

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Networking solutions require skilled and experienced people as every company has different IT environment. Which is why our technical team scopes in every possible details before providing the solutions to our client.

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As competition grows in the world, it requires faster transmission within businesses to businesses or businesses to consumers. Techtra Solutions is a pioneer for integration of secured IT solutions to provide business automation.

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The number of virus and ransomware attacks targeted at businesses is rapidly growing everyday. Antivirus might not be sufficient to protect the whole IT environment, minimize your risk to almost 0% with our security insights.

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As the concern rises for the consumption of resources in the world, Techtra Solutions believes in going green. Therefore, we prove our support by providing leasing and cash back solutions for businesses in Singapore